Prices valid from 2018:
Social media content: R100/post; $10/post; £10/post
Social media content creation: R1.00 – R2.00/word or R100.00 – R200.00/hour; $10/hour; £10/hour
Social media management/coordination: R100.00 – R200.00/hour; $10/hour; £10/hour
Proofreading: R0.10-R0.30/word or R100.00-R150.00/page or R100.00-200.00/hour; $0.10-$0.30/word or $5.00-$10.00/page or $10.00-$20.00/hour; £0.10-£0.30/word or £5.00-£10.00/page or £10.00-£20.00/hour
General light editing: R0.20 – R0.50/word or R30.00- R50.00/page or R100.00- R200.00/hour; $0.20-R0.50/word or $5.00-$10.00/page or $10.00-$20.00/hour; £0.10-£0.30/word or £5.00-£10.00/page or £10.00-£20.00/hour
General heavy structural and language editing: R0.20 – R0.50/word or R50.00- R100.00/page or R100.00- R150.00/hour; $0.10-$0.30/word or $10.00-$20.00/page or $10.00-$15.00/hour; £0.10-£0.30/word or £5.00-£10.00/page or £10.00-£15/hour
Novels/books: R0.10 - R0.30/word or R50.00- R100.00/page or R100.00- R200.00/hour; $0.10-$0.30/word or $5.00-$10.00/page or $10.00-$15.00/hour; £0.10-£0.30/word or £5.00-£10.00/page or £10.00-£15.00/hour
Virtual assistant: R100-R200/hour; $10.00-$20.00/hour; £10.00-£20.00/hour
Important: These prices are a general guideline only and in order for us to forward you a final and binding quote, we request that you please e-mail us a random sample of your work (3-5 pages for any book/project) in order for us to accurately ascertain the amount of necessary editing/proofreading that is required.